At last we seem to be able to fly at all sites (less the Picnic Site) if only the weather would co-operate. With a bit of luck virtually everyone who wants it will have had at least one Covid vaccination. The membership is around 100 which I think is reasonably healthy. We have had a steady trickle of new members who are all very welcome.
We have two major events coming up that the committee is working on. Firstly the monthly meetings in Bransgore Village Hall will start again with the first one on Wednesday 7th July. Mike Roach will be giving more details about this meeting and the programme for the following meetings.
The second event is the Members Open Day and BBQ and with guests of the BIMBO. This will be on Saturday 24th July at Strawberry Field. The owner has offered us free entrance and the Treasurer, Allan Butterworth, has agreed to provide free food. Anyone wanting to fly should bring their models. All are welcome.
I have been fascinated by the Friday evening competition at Stanpit. It’s well worth a visit.
In September we will have the Construction and Finish Competition. Mike has alread sent out the details, but briefly we will meet at Strawberry Field on Saturday 4 September and members wil be able to judge all the models present. There will also be a flying option if the weather is good enough.
The licence for the Picnic Site is proceeding but at a bit of a crawl. The Army are saying it will all be completed in a week or so but experience with these sorts of formations makes me a bit sceptical about rapid progress.
I have been kept amused by the interchanges on the Google group. Do please keep up the information and banter that goes on.
Keep safe and enjoy the flying.
Jon Goddard