The Annual General Meeting
of Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
to be held Wednesday 2 December 2020
- The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting: Malcolm Bird
- To receive the Chairman’s report: Terry Antell
- To receive the Treasurer’s report: Alan Butterworth
- To receive the Secretary’s report: Malcolm Bird
- To receive the Membership Secretary’s report: Brian Brockway
- To receive the report from Longham, Sloping Off and the Website
- To elect/re-elect Officers and Members of the Committee
The following members have volunteered for positions: Jon Goddard – Chairman Mike Roach – Secretary Alex Bush, Nick King and David Bintcliffe - Members
- To elect the Hon. Auditor:
- Proposals by the Committee – see next pages for more details.
- Notes:
- Any Notices of Motion should be sent to the Hon. Secretary 2 weeks before the date of the meeting.
- Discussion at the meeting shall be confined to the business stated in the above Agenda but there will be an opportunity for a general discussion after the close of the official business.
Chairman’s report (here)
Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s report
Membership Secretary’s report
Longham, Sloping Off and Website report
Committee Proposals
The Minutes of the 2019 AGM, were published on the Club web site in March 2020, with no matters arising, and are proposed as a true record
Three Committee meetings had been held during the year. Due to the Covid-19 Virus the meeting were held via Emails or Zoom with thanks to Terry for hosting the meetings. All minutes were recorded & are up to date. Contact between committee members was maintained on a regular ad hoc basis & decisions recorded at the next meeting. Regular contact with BMFA was maintained, especially during Virus epidemic for guidance of the regulations affecting model flying.
We have no Legal Licencing or Agreements outstanding.
No changes have been made to the Constitution or General Data Protection Regulations.
It is with deep regret I tender my resignation as Secretary due to the fact I am unable to continue model flying.
Malcolm Bird, Secretary, October 2020

It has been a challenging year to say the least but, while the Country’s health is a cause for concern, C&DMFC’s financial position is fine. The concern that the imposition of the CAA’s registration scheme might deter some people did not happen and membership, as Brian will attest, was only slightly down. Despite this, not surprisingly, overall income was down from 2019 by nearly £1400, despite Alex’s efforts with sales from the “Bits Box”. However, because of the cessation of most activities due to you-know-what, expenses were down by almost £2000 resulting in an increase of income over expenses of almost £1500 compared to last year. The club’s bank balance is now almost £8500, which the Committee agree is more than enough for our current needs. Therefore, the Committee is proposing that the subscription, for current members only, should be just £5.00 for 2021.
Payment of subscriptions for 2021 will have to be by cheque or, even better (please, please, please to save my trips to the bank) by BACS. Cheques should be sent to Brian Brockway (38 Luther Road, Winton, Bournemouth BH9 1LL), and must be made out to either CDMFC or C&DMFC (the bank is getting strict on this). For BACS payment the bank details are Sort Code 30-92-02 and Account Number 00257688, and please email both Brian ( and myself ( that you have paid. Because of the proposed low subscription, the club would ask that any payment by cheque should include a Stamped Address Envelope, and payment by BACs an extra 65p. This is to contribute to the cost of mailing new membership cards.
BMFA and CAA Operator’s Licence will need renewing for 2021, the cost being unknown to me at the moment. Note that members who have usually paid for BMFA and the Operator Licence through the club can easily renew both through the BMFA’s membership portal. However, if you would rather not, you can still renew through the club.
Alan Butterworth, Hon Treasurer, October 2020
The membership count for 2020 stands at 112. This is slightly down on recent years, but when considering the recent restrictions placed on all social activities, a reduction in the membership numbers could have been predicted.
It is possible that some members have been sheltering and hence may not have bothered to renew.
Also the loss of the regular Club night meetings and our inability to offer any hands-on training has had a negative effect on our ability to attract new members.
The new CAA registration requirements may also have had an impact on membership numbers.
BMFA Membership Portal
There are 85 current Club members listed on the BMFA Membership Portal. (27 current members are therefore not on the listing).
We would urge members who are able to do so to register and activate their BMFA accounts as C&DMFC members. Inclusion on the BMFA portal Club list allows the Club Treasurer to renew individual BMFA memberships on-line. Club members can then renew Club membership, BMFA membership and CAA registration by a single cheque or (as preferred) a single BACS payment to the Club.
Overall the membership number is still very healthy, and there is no reason for concern. Many BMFA affiliated clubs function well with much smaller membership numbers. We can expect things to improve next year if the social distancing rules can be further relaxed.
Brian Brockway, Membership Secretary, 20 October 2020
Early in the year a working party cleared reeds from both the nearest flying points to improve sightlines and access for models. In the absence of the contractor who last cleared the banks two years ago, this has turned out to be a job that needs doing twice a year: the best method is simply to use garden shears and wear a pair of waders.
Despite the pandemic there has been considerable activity at the lake, with 12 new models flown. The finest was undoubtedly David Bintcliffe’s De Havilland Biplane No. 2 which has flown regularly. New member Bill Glover demonstrated a versatile rescue craft equipped with FPV and reverse.
Sloping Off has been very well supported with a massive total of 52 articles including all activities hosted by the Club (and some that are not).
The Website hosting company has been subsumed into another but the transformation was seamless. There are no extra charges.
The Club’s Facebook page seems popular, with 50 or so views of posts and is well worth maintaining.
The Google Group continues to provide an essential medium for communication and thanks are due to Andrew Ford-Hutchinson for looking after it.
Mike Roach, October 2020
The Committee proposes that the Annual Subscription for 2021 will be £5.00 for existing members, £0.00 for Junior members and £15.00 (+£15.00 joining fee) for new adult members and £5.00 for new junior members. Note that the required subscription to the BMFA will be as agreed at their AGM.