...the Newsletter of Christchurch and District Model Flying Club for...December 2023


Paul asked who had maidened a model at Oldfield this year...and got a lot of answers!

Me - Sopwith Schneider, Ruckus, “Big Chief” and the Ghastly Grob

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John Levell - Flite Test Storch , GWS Pup and Microaces Fokker D7

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Peter Chaldecott - Chipmunk (re-built) and Savage Cruiser and...

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Trevor Hewson - Savage Cruiser (see above)

Martin Burr - P47 Thunderbolt

David Bintcliffe - Dancing Wings Tiger Moth

Martin Delaney - EDF LIDL glider

Martin Delaney

Geoff Harris - Scratch built - Barnstormer 52 Bootlace 65, DB Micro Mold kit (1992 vintage) - 72”€ Barnstormer, ARTF- E-Flite Taylorcraft 450, Multiplex Vicky 60”€ old timer - (damaged badly after 6 or 7 outings - the wood was so brittle I decided to finish it off)

Harris maiden 1Harris maiden 2Harris maiden 3

Jon Goddard - X-Fly Glastar v2

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Alex Bush - Fun Cub and the roller on tow

Neil King - A10 Thunderbolt

Roger Villiers - Phase 5 (ex TH)

And at Longham

Mark Loveder - Icon


  In the beginning, at least 10 years ago I believe,shortly after joining the committee l came up with the idea of the Bits box.  The committee at that time were a little sceptical, not surprising really as who could we persuade to run the darn thing.  Back in those days I still had a yacht in Lymington marina and so was hard pressed for cash,  not much  left over for model supplies l can tell you, even the yearly club fee of £15 was a struggle. Anyway that was one of the reasons that in the end I decided to go ahead to see how it would work.  I think it has been very successful.      Mainly I hope because I kept prices rock bottom and returns if not a satisfied customer.  It was.a slow start until about 3 members in quick succession give up the hobby,  their bits being donated to the club.    I cannot say it to be a pleasure to pick up donated bits as it is really quite a sad thing to do.    Sorting through everything on getting it home is time consuming, but for me quite exciting and I enjoy doing it.    A steady trickle of donated bits has kept the members happily going through the Bits box on club nights looking for gold.
