SLOPING OFF... ...the Newsletter of Christchurch and District Model Flying Club for June 2021 |
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Solent Mk 3 build update by Martin Hardy (Not content with the maiden of his Vickers Viscount in the last Sloping Off, he has got straight on with his Ivan Pettigrew Short Solent! - Ed) The wings are approaching the covering stage (but not until motor and wiring tests are completed) (photo). Wing tips have been made detachable, with automatic connection of electrics on assembly. An aileron servo is fitted in each tip, as are nav and landing lights for a bit of bling. Motor cowls are plastic pots courtesy of Tesco Chicken Casserole and Dumpling 300 g. Floats were made up with a spine and formers as per the plan, with the intervening gaps filled with blue foam and shaped (I could not face planking them in 1/16 balsa). An inset wheel has been fitted into each float. Floats will be finished with a thin layer of fibreglass at the same time as the fuselage underside. Flight batteries will be 2 off 3S lipo, probably 5000 mAH or as required to achieve balance without the addition of lead passengers. Motors will be 4-Max PO-2830-1210, each producing 260 W and 1 Kg thrust for 22A drawn, using GWS 9 x 5 3-blade props. I was not convinced at first as they seemed very flimsy/flexible. They are however nice and light and very efficient an static test. Motors will be counter rotating with differential throttles. Figures for a 10 lb model work out at 104 W/lb and 4 Kg static thrust. I think a light touch on the throttles may be in order. A start has been made on the fuselage. The shape has been altered slightly to be more scale, and two wheels (in tandem) will be fitted to the keel for land based operations. Sides, nose and canopy are intended to be more rounded than shown on the plan. This may require the whole fuselage to the covered in 1/16 balsa to complement the shape. The tail[plane has been made removable and is completed to the covering stage. Fin and rudder will also be removable. This bird is BIG.