Sloping Off - December 2001

AGM Report

by Trevor Hewson

Thirty two members attended the 2001 AGM on 12th October - a record, for recent years at least. The Treasurer reported that membership had increased to just over 100, so perhaps the extra attendance was not surprising.

Ken also had to report that we had made a financial loss in the year. This was essentially due to the collapse of our insurance company in the middle of the year, which of course came shortly after we had decided to take advantage of our healthy bank balance to buy a laser printer and replace our defunct video recorder. Happily, the indoor flying sessions held over the 2000/2001 season had turned in a profit.

The good news was that, in view of the increased membership and the new insurance arrangements being more economical, the committee were able to recommend that the subscription levels should remain unchanged for 2001. This recommendation, unsurprisingly, was not challenged from the floor! Members were reminded that we are moving to a fixed membership year and that all subscriptions would be due for renewal on 1st April 2001. The constitution revisions announced in the June edition of Sloping Off were formally adopted, which regularise this situation and enable us to continue to offer a discount on production of evidence of BMFA membership.

The various club officers presented their reports, noting that despite the problems of floods, foot & mouth disease and collapsing insurance companies, the Club had managed to have a successful year in many respects, the advent of the indoor flying sessions being particularly noteworthy. The Slope Soarers had though been badly affected by the F&M outbreak and appreciation was expressed for the responsible attitude demonstrated by members in respecting the farmers' wishes to keep away from pasture land.

The Comp. Sec. observed that competitions do not seem to be high on most members' agendas but he would continue to organise them where there was enough support. Winners were declared as follows:
Rose Bowl Thermal Comp. - John Cheesman
Caption Competition - Mike Roach
Construction and Finish - Senior category, Steve Morris; Junior category, Christopher Morris.

(Owing to a technical oversight neither Christopher's certificate, nor the C&F shield were available on the evening, an omission which was remedied the following day. The victorious pair are pictured here, with Steve's winning Pawnee, featured in the June edition of Sloping Off. - Ed)

Christopher was also presented with his Ashley Flyers 'Wings' by Mike Sargent. A month or so later, he took and passed the BMFA 'A' test, so he is now better qualified than most of the adult members of the club - Makes you think, doesn't it?

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