You may well have seen the above picture in the New Milton Advertiser and elsewhere recently. The story concerns a Lymington Engineer, James Labouchere, who has been working on this innovative flying boat for eight years, and has recently won a £450,000 award which has enabled him to start work on a full size prototype. The Advertiser article mentions a number of people and organisations who have helped with this project over the years, including the Christchurch and District Model Flying Club.
When James first contacted me, he had already had a quarter scale model of the craft built for him and wanted to get some video footage of it in action. One of our members, John Seaby, had already been lined up as cameraman, and I persuaded Steve Morris to get involved as test pilot. Some of you may have seen the unedited video of Steve's first session flying this model..... Oh dear, I seem to have run out of space!