It was with great disappointment that we realised a couple of days before the event, that it was going to be too windy to fly at the Open Day. We had been given special permission to fly off Lake 1 (normally a fishing only lake. It is a great location only a few strides from the Visitors’ Centreand would have been a marvellous arena for the many planes we planned to bring along. But on the day it was blowing a F4. If we had been on our own I expect we would have flown the Skippers, Fun Cubs and other sport models, but with so many members of the public around it was just not safe to do so.
Instead, Club members put on a great static display with two simulators, loads of models and lots of us willing to answer the many questions and field the incredible enthusiasm for crashing virtual models in virtual Poole Harbour. Many thanks to everyone who supported the event, in particular Jan who brought his simulator and models and everyone else who helped out on the Club simulator.
Lots to do!
Our stage
The car park was rammed!

Pond dipping and model yacht sailing were very popular

as was the BBQ tent provided by the local Scout Group. Conditions for the paddle-boarding and kayaking was so good there was even some sunbathing in the sheltered spots.
But the favourite occupation was mastering the simulators.