Hi all, I have moved into our Sun lounge to keep Doreen company in these dark times instead of disappearing for hrs on end in my cabin. So far no complaints about the mess.
Now on the final job covering servo hatches and fitting the flaps etc. These days I try to go slowly to make the pleasure last. Hope you are all keeping well and remember the Bits Box is on the end of a phone call. (This was the model at the AGM meeting, clearly a free plan with RCM&E, and beautifully finished - Ed)

(Here’s Alex on holding covering down with pennies whicle it’s applied - I use glue stick for the same purpose - Ed) This is my way. First off it saves a huge amount of material by allowing you to to cut panels exactly to size. (Extra for curved ends) The pennies hold the panel in position without any wrinkles as you tack all round with the usual low heat,then seal with your higher setting, then and only then shrink the whole panel slowly keeping the iron flat as you go. Sounds easy, and it is. Hope this helps.

And very nearly finished!

Just waiting for the markings (and permission to fly)
I thought that you may want to add the latest photos of LUCIOLE I have just decided on the Font I intend to use on the wings.May have to wait until the local copy shop reopens. Or sweet talk Tim.
