christchurch and district model flying club

the slicker 50

First thoughts are..."What is it ?"...well,it started off as a Ben Buckle printed kit from Channel 4 Models of a Slicker 50 which I thought would make a nice "Elderly Gentleman's Craft ", hopefully a sort of anti-gravity machine which would be a pleasant, relaxing flyer. Channel 4 were very helpful with advice on the power train and so I also acquired a small E-Pro brushless motor and suitable 20 amp speed controller, plus 10 by 5 prop. I used the Kokam 3 cell Lipos I already had which all fitted in nicely.  Rudder and elevator controls were built in and the whole thing put together,but then it became clear that whilst I thought some nose weight would be necessary, the required amount was so much that the plane would never have got off the ground !. So,a nose job was needed, out with the balsa knife,amputate and extend by about 5-6 inches to avoid using any lead weight at all, keep it light they always say." Light " is the word......the whole plane ready to take off only weighs 750 grams or 1 pound 11 ounces, including the battery, not bad for over 4 feet wing span I thought. However,the nose job makes it look even more odd, see picture !...but the main thing is no added weight and I can always say to myself it looks "distinctive " if nothing else. to King's Park, a little more wind than I would have liked but I had to do it, so after all usual safety checks and after cursing the footballers who had churned up the grass I decided on a hand launch....face into the wind and go !... I couldn't believe it !...the word was "rocketed" was away in a dead straight line climbing very gradually and it need no launch as such, it just zoomed out of my hand. I was stunned for a moment or two...this wasn't what I had in mind at all, but after pulling myself together, I slowed her down and despite the breeze the old girl performed exceptionally well ,considering the age of the original design.  Okay, it's no stunt plane, but there's not another exactly like it, it can be flown quickly enough to keep you on your toes or slowly enough to be relaxing and pleasant. Best of all, there is the satisfaction of flying a plane you have made yourself with the bonus that the kit is very moderately priced and the power train won't break the bank,so what more could a model flyer ask for ?

Glenn Bradshaw


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