The short-bristow crusader
The Chairman emailed me to say he had been given a model of the Crusader and it was free to anyone who wanted it. He had no history and no details, just that once it had an engine and he thought it had been built for a 1982 Schneider Trophy re-enactment at Calshot.
Well, I’m old enough to remember the event being reported in the modelling press, but I gave away all my 80s and 90s magazines one day so have no record of it. But a similar event was held in the mid 90s and appeared in RC Scale Models. The usual planes: Supermarine S5, S6B, Maachi, Gordini and so on were illustrated.
One of the planes was an identical Short-Bristow Crusader, (modelled in the picture above by Dudley Pattinson in his “Flair” sweatshirt) and although the models are not identical, they could possibly be the same aircraft. To me, the one at the Club night had never been flown it was so pristine. But then the real one crashed on its Schneider debut (crossed aileron controls), so who knows? - Ed