I bought a 20 inch wingspan span FreeBee. It’s 50% scale of the original R/E version which the club still has, that’s the Lazy Bee. It’s made completely from EPP. All fixings are by foam friendly cyano. I purchased the kit from Robotbirds (
The original Lazy Bee is used by Keith Young for training.
A 6 amp brushless motor (extremely small), a 6amp ESC driven by a Hyperion 240mAh 2 cell Lipo. Unfortunately this battery doesn’t have a balancing lead!
My model came out at 120 grams, the instructions say 90 to 95 grams. I needed nose weight which as you can see increased the weight somewhat. It successfully took to the air at our February indoor meeting. I was extremely surprised just how well it performed. I’ve taken a few photos of the assembled model.
If you wanted to try your hand at building with Depron, this seems an ideal opportunity to simply copy this outstanding little model in 6 mm and 3 mm sheet. Use the same motor etc.—Ed