How to cheat at aerobatics
by Brian Wiseman
I notice that Flyers can be divided into various classes. There is the expert who can make planes do all sorts of odd things. The there are the Scale people who trundle round as near to the real thing as they can and there is the rest of us. We take off some of us try a loop or too but most of us trundle round then land. Ifyou are one of us here is how to do a few aerobatics which will look good to you. Rubbish to the experts but give you much pleasure.
Simon Cole who flies at Beaulieu can do wonderful things. He takes his plane off after a run of a few feet then it hangs there steady as a rock held up it appears by the propeller. I have had to reprimand him twice lately for breaking the laws of gravity. He will then send it off to the right bring it back and there again it prop hangs. I asked him if it was hanging on a sky hook, and he said that it was. I know that is not true, at least I think so, He can also do a perfect rolling circle at about 15 feet. If you and I try any of these antics we will finish up in an undignified heap on the ground. Flying like that requires much practice and a level of skill not available to most of us
Lets try the loop. The first thing to remember for us is HEIGHT. I never start under 100 feet. This means ifI get it trouble I have plenty of time to get out.. When you intend to try it is a good idea to get a skilled friend to be with you to get you out of trouble if you have to. You start the loop in level flight put it down hill a bit and give it full throttle. This will give you speed. When it is level with you pull back the stick and hold it. How far depends on the model the throws etc. but experiment and you will soon see how far to pull it back. Hold it and full throttle until you have got over the top and started down the other side. Some people will tell you to cut the throttle just before you get to the top. You may well develop to be able to do that but not the first time. When you get started downhill cut the throttle to half and wait for it to complete the loop. You may now breathe out.
What can go wrong. Many training planes are underpowered for aerobatics and if you cut the throttle too early you will have an upside down stall at the top of the loop. Itmay fall the right way but more usually it will turn to one side and go into a spiral dive. Then shut the throttle.And take your hand off the sticks. Wait until you can see which direction it is going open the throttle about half and fly it up and away. Much easier to do than you think and remember you have lots of HEIGHT to play will and the first few time an instructor or skilled friend to help.
Just briefly, when you have mastered the loop try what I think is a Cuban eight. It starts
with a loop but instead of completing the circle when you get over the top you turn the plane the right way up and drive it down at 45 degrees. Take it into another loop, when you get to the top you do the same , tum the plane the right way up take it down at 45 degrees and back up again. It looks quite good and is easy. What throttle you use depends on your plane but at first use plenty. Generally when going downhill use half throttle when up hill all of it.. Practice will make you good but it is unlikely to make you perfect .I was told that one international pilot spends £4500 on fuel in a year. Think of the flights he did and how many you do. Yours likemine will be untidy for a while. But remember the experts will not sneer at you only offer helpful advice. It is a supportive hobby. keep at it. Next time we will see what else we can do. You will notice that there is no cheating yet but, wait a bit
Brian Wiseman.