Explore the wide blue yonder with
An Xplorer 3.8m F5J elec glider (version 2)
Terry Antell

I suddenly had a need, a need to replace my Shadow beastie.
It had its last flight by me at the e-soaring July 2020 comp at Chalbury. One tremendous flight followed by a disastrous landing nose in from about 30 feet. Only 2 seconds off the 10 minute requirement.
I underestimated the speed which the glider was travelling at. It was coming straight towards me. As I stepped back from the landing spot I realised the speed and applied full crow braking far, far too fast. The nose climbed vertical, then stalled and it became a shadow of its former self.
Within days I had spoken with Martin Burr who made suggestions, none of them rude, either!
The upshot being email conversations with Ian Duff and within a few days I was meeting Ian & Martin at Chalbury & looking at a black & green Xplorer for viewing.
I realised it had my name on it so I took it home and immediately did a BACS bank transfer for the dosh.
As my holiday to the Isle of Wight was cancelled this year I had some money that needed investing!!
Servos were checked back at home using a servo checker. Martin came round for a couple of hours and sorted movements out after copying the basic controls from my Alpha 27 glider. The Rx was switched across from the Alpha, too.
The following afternoon, 4pm in fact saw us both at Strawberry field with a temp of 36c and very little wind.
After carrying out ground radio checks the time had come.
As Martin already has an Xplorer it seemed rude to not let him have first flight. Two hand launches later the motor was started Xploration was underway.
Next was my turn. No problems at all other than could feel & hear vibration with the motor powering away.
At home I found the prop blades and spinner were quite well out of balance. I haven’t tried the motor again as yet.
And yes, I have added the required numbers & letters from the CAA along with my contact details.
Given another year or two I may, just may improve my scores!