Trevor H’s Petrel, in June from an aerotow at County MFC

Peter C’s version of the same plane, in July also from an aerotow at County MFC and the cause of a scary moment later in the month

Mike R’s 48” span DH 110 Sea Vixen, mostly 1/4” balsa with a Park 480 motor and 3s 2200. Markings by Tim C, at Strawberry Field in June

Mike R’s 48” span depron Supermarine Seafire 47 in Korean War colours. Another Park 480 and 3s 2200, at Strawberry Field in July

The one on the right is a Glassair Sportsman, 54” span “Teach yourself to Fly” mode, maiden at SF, a gift .Flies really well. Rave review in RCME Both models will be auctioned in the Autumn

Trevor’s Hobby King Arctic Cat, first flight off water at Longham in July

Neil’s Hawker Hunter from the Tony Nijhuis RCME plan

Tim’s Li’l Cub, at SF in July

Mike’s Britten-Norman Trislander “G-JOEY” in July at SF (a troubled gestation)

Jon C’s Jet Provost made an excellent flight at SF

Paul Johnson’s Sea Fury from an old Rojair kit - details here

Tim’s Telink SU29, maidened 4 August at SF. It’s a 1.1m 3D foamy,a club auction NIB unbuilt kit purchased last year

Ian W’s “Flying Banjo” maidened at SF 7 August. A free plan from RCM&E last month (!)

Terry’s Explorer electric glider, replacing his Shadow, in August at SF

Simon’s Tundra, at Longham in August
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