A beautiful day for flying at Chalbury for AlanB and Martin B
Martin B launching his “lost in the loft” model Scirocco after a break of 25 years

Alan B’s Andreas and Inside 5J

Martin and his Andreas

and Scirocco

Mike R. It was an equally good morning at Strawberry Field for the maiden of my Lincoln, here flying hands-off for the obligatory pictures. It was just after 7 in the morning, so there was no-one else around!

Frank B at “Death Valley” (the south side of Win Green). It was warm and sunny, very windy and gusting, I was the only one there.
I had three 20 minute flights with my Fusion and three safe landings. I decided not to maiden flight the Vampire courtesy of Geoff Collins as it was so windy.
Trevor H flew his Petrel at County MFC. Pictures by Chris Williams. The pilot has caused far more comment than the model.He was sourced by Martin A tip-off from Richard plus a bit of research identified him as a Star Wars character called Finn. Unfortunately he has no prior flying experience. He’s been kitted out with a harness and sunglasses by Trevor, plus a sun-hat made by Mary. Alan B:- “great model; pilot’s hat makes him look like he's on the way to the mad hatter's tea party...” brought the response “Alan, in the interest of your personal safety, I’ll assume that you are not suggesting that Mary is a mad hatter! On the other hand, perhaps I should put a price ticket in his hat band - or maybe that’s the perfect place for my operator ID number!?
Peter Chaldecott maidened his Freewing L-39 Albatros at County MFC on 26 May. His knees knocked!

Mike R: I’ve at last managed to get my depron Trislander into the air and able to confirm that it does indeed fly, although it raised more questions than answers. While I was prepping it for flight #2, a huge thermal ran amok across the field, turned the model upside down bending a wingtip in the process, and seizing the hatch, bowling it across the grass and finally lifting it effortlessly into the air and over the wheat field, where it still resides.
It was clear from the amount of up elevator I had to hold in that the model was nose heavy. Quite why I persisted with the set-up when this much was abvious right from the start is a mystery. Anyway, the flight battery if now 4” further back than designed (another hatch cut into the model) and at last it balances nicely. The paint job and the decals will have to wait until Homebase’s paint mixing area is open again. Oh, and Ive replaced the silly scale diameter main wheels with some larger ones.
