Dear Aquanauts
A nice morning was had by 4 of us at Longham this morning....stats showed that 4 out of 5 planes were foamies...the only “proper plane” was the ex Trevor Mew Gull ...which flew well carving nice spitfire curves in the sky.Takeoff improved with float fettling,but prop still hits the water a bit on acceleration...

Roly’s Catalina( By Dynam) was a reluctant flyer ...making a meal of takeoff biting fiercely at the water with both props ....then when eventually it took off it flew just on the stall ...veering this way and that ....until it did ...stall....requiring the attention of ...yes you have guessed .....SWAMPY....who raced out to help the stricken Cat ....

Unfortunately he got so excited that on approaching the downed plane ...he stopped ...was it batteries...or poor range ? Investigations will be needed.
Both creatures were eventually rescued (by Peter: rumour has it he did not need his waders - Ed). As was Tidewater...that had flown well until it too was hit by the Loch Ness Longham Monster which with one deft chew from under the water severed the electrons from the the electric works

Best wishes David B
The subsequent discussions centred round the Dynam Catalina, which has something of a poor reputation. David says:

“Roly Nix flies a Dynam Catalina at Longham and has had a lot of trouble...his is rather battle scarred and probably overweight with repairs ....he is planning on removing the 2 motors and having a single one centrally, this will avoid asymmetric thrust and water in the props...Maybe this will improve things”