Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping well it's good to see all the projects that are taking place.
The Bug is the first one which was a small h.l.g. sloper which I have stretched slightly to torn into a d.l.g.

All we need now is the present bug to disappear to try it out.(?Groan- Ed)
The second model is a incomplete Republic Sea Bee which I was kindly given at a club meet last year, I have had to fashion up quite a lot of components which were missing and renew some of the balsa sheeting.
The other problem is only having half a plan and no instructions, the original was built for an I.C.engine but an electric motor is planned.
The next problem is to find a correct position for the floats and a means of fitting and also possibly removal for ground landing and take off on grass.

Hope this helps - Ed
Hope you all stay safe.