
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Chairman’s chatter

Much has changed since my last scribbling. Mike Roach & Trevor Hewson have managed to secure an agreement with Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Ltd for use of a reservoir for club use. Much interest has been raised as few, VERY few, clubs enjoy the opportunity to fly off fresh water.

Strawberry Field (S.F.) has been used for 18 months by club members. It has been suggested by a few that the grass doesn’t come up half cut!!! I had been looking for a suitable ride on mower for a few months to help this situation. A member had a tractor/mower for sale, less than 2 years old. The unit had only been used to mow a model aircraft strip!!! I have been concerned that the grass at S.F. gets rather long at times and could constitute a safety hazard for our models. Well, your club has purchased the tractor/mower and will be arranging members to help prepare a flying circle of 110 feet approx, thus catering for all wind directions.

The owner of S.F has agreed to allow the mower to be stored in a barn. The cover (supplied) will keep bird excrement from fowling the orange paint work!! We should have a roller by the time you read this from the same member, F.O.C. We also have a key to said barn.

The tractor was collected from Somerley Estate on Thursday 9th February. Mike Cooper (owner of S.F.) allowed me and Brian Adkins to use his Discovery 4 x 4 and trailer to collect the above. He donated the vehicles AND the fuel to assist the club.

Big thanks to Brian for helping. I could not have managed alone.

The above is a Husqvarna LT151 600cc petrol tractor/mower with a rotary blade of 38”. It has 6 gears, plus reverse, with various cutting levels. Electric start & head lights. One last item supplied is a Mulcher. It cuts grass finer and spreads it evenly to help grass regeneration.

I will have to do health & safety training for those who wish to drive it. This means using basic common sense and adhering to the manual. This will include. No shorts when cutting grass. Wear stout foot ware, (no flip flops). Keep children (and adults) away from machine as anything may fly out with the grass.

On a separate occasion I met Mike Cooper to discussed and agree the club supply and fix a money payment box to the front barn. The box will be inside the barn with a slot through from the outside. Mr Cooper will have a lock fitted on the box for basic security. He will be the key holder, not anyone from the club.

A few volunteer members will do this work and I’ll advise when to start using the post box.

I forgot to ask, “What is Flying?” What with unfriendly winds and weather, plus the above activities it has taken a back seat. Indoor flying has had to suffice instead.

Remember, safe flying (and preparing a strip) is no accident

Terry Antell

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