Despite seeing a number of models during the year, in the end there were only four which met the criteria for the competition (to have been seen prior to finishing and to have flown). Perhaps the rules are too restrictive?
The models were:
Clive Spencer’s Supermarine S6B (Own design, flown, previous winner)

Frank Bayes’s Facetmobile (Own design, not flown)

Alex Bush’s Seagull Challenger (Kit, flown)

Tim Calvert’s Druine Turbulent (Plan, flown)

Trevor Hewson’s Fauvel AV36 (Plan, flown, previous winner)

Voting was very close, and it was only as the last half dozen voting slips came in that Trevor’s Fauvel edged ahead of Clive’s S6B
So the winners were:
Overall Trevor Hewson
First own-design Clive Spencer
First Kit-built Alex Bush