Christchurch & District Model Flying Club BMFA Affiliated Club No. 2581, Website address
Application for Membership (Revised December 2024)
I wish to apply for membership of Christchurch and District Model Flying Club.
I undertake to comply with the Club constitution and rules, Codes of Practice applicable to the operation of all types of model aircraft and regulations in force when using public, private or M.O.D. flying sites as specified by legislation, local authorities, site owners or their agents and the BMFA.
I give my consent for the details given on this Application Form to be used as defined in our General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Policy. This can be seen on the website at admin/privacy policy
I will pay the appropriate fee (see below). Please send me a copy of the Club constitution and rules, and Club membership card.
If you would like to be included in the website club members’ gallery, please send a full face picture to the Secretary, Mike Roach,
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
FULL NAME_____________________________________________________________________
PREFERRED NAME_______________________________________________________________
POST CODE____________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________
E-MAIL (please print clearly)_______________________________________________________
Signed ______________________ (Parent/Guardian for juniors)
BMFA No. if with another club or a country member _______________________________
All subscriptions expire on December 31st of the membership year.
The current Adult rates are, Club Fee £45, and a joining fee of £15 for new members. Junior members’ rates (under 18, or up to 21 in full time education) £10, no joining fee.
EITHER do a Bank Transfer to Sort Code 30-92-02 A/C# 00257688 ref CDMFC/your name.
OR, send a cheque for your Club fees to: Membership Secretary. Brian Brockway, 36 Luther Road, Winton, Bournemouth, Dorset. BH9 1LL (01202 516465/07780 692253)
In addition, BMFA membership and CAA registration fee are compulsory and should be paid directly via the BMFA Membership portal. Fees are Seniors £49, Juniors 20, Family Partner £30, Family Junior £15 and CAA fee £11.13.
The Club committee reserves the right to refuse or terminate membership.
For Club use - date this form issued to prospective new member _____________________