CHRISTCHURCH AND DISTRICT MODEL FLYING CLUB RULES FOR THE USE OF OLDFIELD FLYING SITE EDITION 5.0 - JANUARY 2025 AMENDMENT TO THE ACCESS RULES AND ADVICE FOR THE GATE Introduction All Club members are bound by the regulations for the flying of model aircraft issued by the CAA and the BMFA. These rules provide specific interpretation of the above in relation to the Oldfield flying site, the conditions imposed by the site owner and by the Club Committee. The background to all these rules is one of safety: safety of the general public and of Club members, who must be satisfied at the beginning of each flight that they do not endanger others. The use of IC powered or gas-turbine models is not permitted. Emergencies. In the event of an emergency, phone 999 and give the operator the location of the field entrance – what three words FASTER.COMPOSES.LIVER. Go to the entrance, unlock the gate and wait to direct the emergency crew to the field Flying Site Flying is limited to daylight hours only. The first person to arrive at the field is to ring Bournemouth Air Traffic Control (ATC) 01202 364150 to say that flying is starting. The last person to leave is to ring them to say flying has finished. The Pilots’ Box is set in position and will be the basis of all model flying unless authorised differently by an Officer of the Club or a Committee Member Flight Zone. Model aircraft may not be flown:
Noise sensitivities Although this should not be a noise-sensitive location, fliers of pusher-prop and low blade count EDF models are to minimise noise propagation, particularly near the no-fly zone to the west. General Site Requirements and Access. The entrance gate may be left open whilst Club members are on site but must be closed and locked when the last member leaves. It is recommended thatfor security and safety reasons, solo fliers keep the gate locked.Cars may normally unload near the pits and then continue to the car park. Car Parking. Cars are to be parked in the area south of the pit marked on the diagram above. Parking along the access track is only permitted when the car park area is excessively muddy. Transmitter Control. No control is necessary for 2.4gHz transmitters. Members with 35mHz transmitters are to ensure that they are the only flier on 35mHz before switching on. If more than one flier is using on this frequency, a peg-on system must be used. Guests. Members may invite a guest or guests to fly at the field. They are then responsible for ensuring that their guest(s) are competent to fly, are aware of the rules for the field and that they conform to them. Dogs. Dogs may be brought to the field but must be kept under close contro on a lead and are not allowed on the grass strip. Dogs are not permitted on any of the Farm fields Other requirements In the event of any incident (eg with a full size aircraft, a serious injury involving the emergency services, an altercation with a member of the public) the owner of the field must be contacted - Mr Dan Tanner, tel 07801 345264. The Club Chairman and Committee must also be informed as soon as possible. A group email link has been added to the Club/Contacts page on the website If there is an incident with a full size aircraft, Bournemouth ATC must also be immediately informed on 01202 364152. In the event of a model coming down or flying away outside the field boundaries or in a no-fly zone, the pilot must make every effort to contact the land owner or their representative and make their apologies before collecting their model and any debris. The committee must be informed. After a model crash on the main field or in the surrounding farm area, as much debris as possible must be collected and removed, with as little damage to crops as possible. If the model or any component cannot be located, the committee and the Farm staff must be informed.
Mike Roach, Secretary CDMFC, 29 January 2025