
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Chairman’s chatter

Remember, safe flying (and preparing a strip) is no accident

March – The best summer month for ages! It was so dry it was decided to only mow fortnightly. Since that decision it hasn’t stopped raining!

After the break in at Strawberry Field new locks were required on all the entrances. The owner, Michael Cooper, purchased new locks for the gates he uses. I bought a new lock for our entrance gate which Mr Cooper paid for, so it’s again his lock. This lock has a combination. Any member wishing to use the field should apply to Terry Antell for the number as we are keeping a record of those people in case we are asked.

Please do not disclose the number to ANYONE, including another member.

Terry Butterfield & Peter Conway have both donated security items which are use to help retain the tractor/mower from being ‘lifted’.

Martin Bell attended our March meeting and gave a talk about Height Limiters used in electric glider competitions.

April -- was a very busy club evening with another ‘bring a model’ night.

May -- Kevin Ross gave an excellent talk augmented by a wonderful screen show, good enough for a TV presentation. Many members have commented on the wonderful and detailed information.

We welcomed Andrew Ford-Hutchinson into the ranks of Club Instructor.

So far we have had excellent participation in the Stanpit Friday evening challenge meetings. Great to see a few new entrants having a go at pure thermal & electric thermal glider flying.

It always starts around 6pm although any reasonable time after this is great.

Our membership (mid May) is now 91. Wonderful to see many more attend our club meetings that continue monthly throughout the year.

If you have an idea of any person, or group, that you would like to see giving us a talk in the future then please contact me.

Happy landings, Terry

(See the Chairman’s tribute to Terry Sullivan later on)

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