
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club


I’ve not been a fan of ARTF since the beginning and have only had two or three of them before this year. They were heavy, very difficult to repair (now there’s a rather more fundamental point!) and poor value for money. Anyway, I much preferred the research, drawing and building to the actual process of flying.

Until this year.

The Multiplex Fun Cub you can read about later was a revelation, in that it was very well engineered, not light, but light enough to fly perfectly well and of course, tough as old boots. I’ve already had about 60 flights out of it and not a ding in sight, despite some unconventional arrivals.

Now I have a new toy, the Chris Foss design WOT4 FoamE which I picked up from John at Channel 4 for a very reasonable £100 complete (the Fun Cub was £83 with no hardware at all!). I’ll do a kit review next time, but with only 6 parts and a promised 30 minutes assembly  time, my flying should improve in time for my next big balsa and solartex creation, which should in turn last longer, fly better and generally provide more enjoyment.

Now why didn’t I think of that before?

PS. If this issue seems a bit too much like “my holidays”, then get writing!

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