The Stanpit situation remains unchanged and I think it unlikely that we’ll be able to amend our licence to officially fly anywhere over the marsh area.
Our application for a grant seems to have “disappeared” within the council offices!! I continue to request the application towards our projector.
Since I last put fingers to computer I have purchased a plan of an autogyro (pictured in the “Bring a Model” pages - Ed). It was featured in the February edition of Q&EFI.
The plan isn’t too good as the sizing of many parts don’t match corresponding items, like the sides to the bottom. The Feb article refers to various bolt sizes and locations that are different on the plan. I have struggled to produce a model that should fly, whether I can fly is yet to be seen??
It is many years since I’ve produced a model having built almost everything, that includes the undercarriage, motor mount, head gimble, etc.
The rotor span is 48”, the pusher prop will be a light weight wooden 12 x 8 as stated in the Feb feature. The plan suggests a 13 x 8 or 14 x 7, both of which I have. The motor is a 4Max 750Kv running on a 3 cell lipo 3300mAh. The ESC is a 70 amp continuous with 130 amp bursts allowed.
My thanks go to Pete Conway for the fibre glass sheet used to make the head rotor and Mike McLauchlan for the 600 old gear box. It’s used to mount the blade head rotor on.
My watt meter will determine how much power the motor consumes, also how many amps the ESC and battery are supplying.
We had a large turnout at our March meeting with George Worley from 4Max model supplies giving a splendid talk about ESC’s, batteries and electric motors. A VERY helpful chap is his website, take a look.
For those who have purchased a Spectrum 2.4 module for their JR9X radios there is a new module holder available. It cost £15 and can be ordered through any Spectrum agent (model shop). This does away with the screw in type aerial and cable and is a much tighter fit into the module holder on the transmitter. A vast improvement all round.
Two members have passed their Electric Thermal Glider BMFA “A” tests during April. Well done Malcolm Bird & Andrew Ford-Hutchinson.
Now back to the autogyro (again). Oh yes, when in trouble, (losing it in the sun), switch the motor off and apply full up elevator. It’ll lessen the impact on landing!!
Finally, if you have changed your email address PLEASE advise me AND Brian Brockway as a few continue to bounce back.
Cheers for now