Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
sloping off web site editionjune 2010
Chairman’s Chatter by Terry Antell
Editorial by Mike Roach
The Short-Bristow Crusader
“Bring a Model” Evening
More on paint selection by Tim Calvert
Corona 2.4 gHz module by Clive Spencer
Diary of a Flier episode 19 by Leonard B Wise
Bumble Bee flight by Brian Wiseman
Falke ribs by Trevor Hewson
Guppy build by Tim Calvert
“bring a model” evening #2 - a great success and lots to see
closing dates for articles, photos, jokes, rants etc, for sloping off
September 2010 by 31 August, and subsequentlyDecember 2010 by 30 NovemberMarch 2011 by 28 FebruaryJune 2011 by 31 May,
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[Home] [Chairman's Chatter] [Editorial] [Bring a Model] [Paint Mixing] [Fly Diary] [DIY Electronics] [S-B Crusader] [Bumble Bee] [Falke ribs] [Guppy]