
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Sloping off - My First Novice Year

by tony harris


My wife frowns: I’m off again  to the slopes. I’m either there or in the mending shed these days.

C & DMFC: a fine bunch of people; well disciplined, models well presented: lots of homework done in prep and familiarisation before visiting the field. The example of some great models: well presented, well flown and landed with minimal fuss:-  CRASH! Oops who else has a 35Meg on!? Did he just fly that close over our heads!? Who is he? My brand new stock; my only stock, was bought in February. It’s a Chinese EPO 1000mm eGlider and a Turnigy 2.4 £60 8Ch Tx Rx ( BMFA note no failsafes on these units yet in ppm mode and millions sold). A few into flights in various approved fields and then “the real thing!”

It’s Win Green and my first slope visit. I’m more than connected with my Instructor; via buddy lead. There is a quiet spell, few flyers and so up I go. Its wonderful just watching the floater slowly obey; I love it!.Later in the day that model has been in the sun and its flights are now “floppy” as the not so dense EPO wings and tail surfaces warp; that’s was my excuse, anyway! . So a dear member of the group says would you like to fly mine?  I hesitate but after launch the Gentle Lady is handed over to me; WOW I like this a lot!

Now a wrinkle or two is found with the Tx. When switching from one model to another the thro reverse is offered and must be used with throttle delay; or else.

How did I find out? Well it’s a warm windy day in the early summer: I’m in the garage / “model repair hanger” with the door open. The best horizontal surface I have is the bonnet of the Morgan 4/4. I’ve just changed models all systems live and am called across to admire a flower. There is a full throttle sound lots of chopping at the Morgan bonnet then reduced prop blades start cutting into both Achilles tendon area ; deeply!! Why didn’t I read the manual – I did many times its written in Chinese with double Dutch inflections. For example I quote …” due to little … mess up in orgasm this function needs .”

However back from hospital and back onto my learning curve issues. A few more weather fronts pass through and flying days are lost but camaraderie reigns; ( a play on words ). We have Club nights to stimulate us a font of knowledge available and a nice bar at the Woolpack evenings to aid the flow. The summer passes: autumn gone in a splash and its now winter. The A cert is mentioned from time to time by my instructor. He keeps us focused and de-briefed. I love those words “you have control” /   “I have control.” His “I’ll land it” reminds me of what I am!

Playing on Pheonix RC in all winds, temperatures, gusts and back eddies on lots of sites with lots of models both large and small is a great help BUT on the real fields there is a perspective to judge… and woops!! Who put that tree so close! It has to be the tallest pine in Fawcetts this time! Thanks Tony D and Malcom B for their help.

Why do we elders have to climb trees! Why do we go crawling along the under cliff?!

More relaxing and recreational flying is had. Its  a great hobby and science. I’m glowing when I fly. Flying seems to kick in hormones that I’d almost forgotten about.

Its now late in the year and I look back on my major incident. I’m flying the Fun Cub at Strawberry Fields.  I’ve gone through my preps, talked about the pilot line its best positioning, keeping the sun behind me, extent of in-field, staying up wind 80% of the time keeping to the  particular needs of this Field i.e. not anywhere near that house over there you know the one: its just east of the lovely mixed woods.

Circuit two is nice, easy slow square corners just for the fun of it, figure of eight crossovers down the centre line. More throttle banking into wind and throttling back going into down wind: its lovely. Then why do I not think ahead!? Maxim is plan ahead plan exit strategy, execute if reasonable enjoy. So: the sun reflects off my models’ side and I freeze; what orientation is it did I twitch the controls? I go a little too far downwind?  I’ve now lost the model into the sun: the sun is lower now at this time of year, another new experience . The next I see of it, its over those lovely mixed woods going south toward….! Where are those houses?! Best thing I can do is down it into the woods; …and so clump! Not chop but clump as Tommy Cooper might have said. Its arrested.

After  a long search the Fun Cub is found; its at the top of the tallest oak in the wood and hooked up on dead little branches with a large pine intertwined. Of course it is;  that’s Sods Law.  Climbing up to it is out of the question: even  for a professional.

Ah! but Harris develops his plan! Equipped with a £30 archery set, labelled  “for young adult;” its a synch to send an arrow with  a  waxed twine 100ft tether up over  the model.  5 days later and 15man hours later; I’ve still only shot 20 arrows over the model. The downside of the arrow and tether of twine system is that I spend ages between each “loose” of arrow untangling the line. If it hooks itself on any leaves or pine needles it loops into a tangle. Well of course it will. Accuracy in shooting over the model, which is some 90feet up, isn’t the challenge; its the tangles. Well: eventually I have a loop of heavier rope over the model replacing the tether. I pull and rock too and fro. Alas ( or mumbles to that effect )  its really stuck. Its too dark to continue; so I exit the wood toward our car park: looking much like a retired Robin Hood ( OK .then: a very retired Robin Hood…. and then some !) Carrying the archery set, just leaving the wood  and there before me silhouetted against the Christmas fir tree wood are two lovely dears. No not old dears but venison type. Now this particular Harris has the bad luck of nearly always being caught when playing ..silly bees: so I think “How is Terry going to explain this away to the authorities if I’m arrested? Christmas Day is coming up and all that!! Happily: there isn’t a PC insight; and unmolested I sojourn off home.

The following day within an hour the plane is down. Its given a soft descent by sliding it down each looped tails of rope. Damage to the plane was minimal. The method worked well but so slowly. My lovely model into which I’d invested so much time, care and now have so much “attachment:” was going to be re-useable.  I only had to drain out the rain water and dry it out!  Incidentally: the LiPo 4S had 3.5 volts per cell remaining after 6 days of hanging around. That’s pretty good minimal power leakage –( through a Turnigy ESC.)

Being part of a great and learned Club community,  most of us are only too willing to help each other. Instructors make free time, Committee work done, examiners time, giving up a lot of their valuable flying  on good flying days too; offering a font of knowledge when needed; yes I’m impressed ! Well so much joy in year 1; thanks you folks. A special thanks to Terry A, to Andrew F-H and Brian B and many others too:  for all being there. My hanger / garage / model repair facility slowly fills with more craft and less maintenance challenges. I look forward to more “sloping off, in due course.”

PS Please remember where the archery set is   just in case! Or are there a few such rescue sets stowed away within our flying groups?

Best wishes to all for 2013

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