Club Electronic height limiter
Your committee followed up a suggestion put forward at the June club meeting to purchase a Height Limiter for use in club electric thermal comps. We now have two of these units. They are very small and light. Plug your ESC into the unit and the unit into your throttle channel on your receiver. Each unit will be set to cut the motor at 200 meters or 30 seconds from launch, which ever comes first.
We are introducing a trial competition which will commence on Friday 2nd July at Stanpit Rec. and will run till the end of August. From launch to landing the model to be flown for exactly 9 minutes (July) & 10 minutes in August, this includes the motor run of 30 seconds or 200 meters height. This time is the same as the thermal gliders using the club bungee. Scores will be kept and each participant has 2 launches per evening, just like the pure glider planes.
Brushed 540 type motors using NMH 7 cell only batteries may climb for 45 seconds, all others 30 seconds.
The Height Limiters should, where ever possible be used. Charges are 50p per launch or £5 per day if used in a local competition. Should the unit be lost then the member must replace it.
To start with (this year) you may take part without using a Height Limiter. So, come along, give it ago. Every Friday evening at Stanpit 6pm onwards. Thermal gliding off the bungee will also continue. Bring an elec and pure thermal glider.
Cheers, Terry Antell