Annual Rose Bowl Competition, Sunday 7th August 2011
Once again we were all back at Chalbury, hosted by the Wessex Soaring Association for which we are indebted. We had a change of field as ‘travellers’ had arrived on field 9. Field 5 sufficed our needs. We had a pleasant day with broken cloud, no thermal lift and buckets of sink and windy as hell!!!!
Eight guys entered, all being members of WSA with 4 also being C&DMFC members. I split the club numbers so 4 were entering each club. We flew 3 rounds, each being a one hour slot. Competitors had to fly for 10 minutes and land on a spot. Two flights were allowed in the hour. If two were flown only the second one counted with two power winches were used and one WSA bungee.
This year I changed the landing bonus points (again) to possibly help any flyers who couldn’t make a 10 minute flight tp within 2 metres of the landing spot – 50 points, 2 to 5 metres gained 25 points.
No one flew far from the field or circled away in lift. Scores were down on previous years.
I wish to thank all those who came along, the names are all on the score sheet (with this short report.) Well done to Ian Duff who won once again for WSA. Congratulations to Nigel Bennett, runner-up, for Christchurch. A bottle of wine was presented to the winner and runner up.
Photos and report by Terry Antell