Giant Cod Spektrum Compatible Rx BY Martin Burr
Hi Chaps,
I wrote a while ago telling of the Spektrum compatible Rx on sale at Giant Cod for £6.72. I bought 3 of them and two have performed perfectly, with good range.
However, I fitted one to my Father in Law’s Radian Pro so I could buddy him with my system. It seemed to be ok with a normal range check and a couple of solo flights for trimming, I was ready for a go at buddying.
My Father in Law “Tig” and I were at a WSA field, we had had probably 2/3 flights all going well, when the plane suddenly went deaf, totally deaf ! Thankfully, it descended in graceful circles until it kissed terra firma, it still proved totally deaf even on close approach. I could hear the servos gently buzzing so I know there was power somewhere. I turned every thing off an on again and all seemed to work perfectly…. OH NO not an intermittent fault ! When I got home I did some further investigations, (power from ESC etc), a reduced power range check showed a very short range (about 10ft) and when full power was restored the Rx failed to re acquire the signal, remaining deaf. I have no idea what caused this, it happened during a flight with no crash or impact. I can only assume component failure through poor quality control.
So the result of all this is that I will carefully consider where I use these Rx, possibly only on indoor or lightweight models.
I have also bought Spectrum-compatible receivers, this time the “Orange” brand. They make it clear on the websites that they are not Spektrum copies, but original work. As well as the single-aerial RX, you can get a satellite RX to fit very very cheaply. My friend in Canada who uses them reports total control on small models, so they DO work! Look at the Hobby King website