
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
Sloping Off - our newsletter

Chairman’s chatter by Terry Antell

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Terry Antell

So far this year we’ve enjoyed a splendid Christmas meal at our January club meeting, plus an excellent Quiz Night which was won this year by Mike Roach.

The early training sessions have been well attended and Alex Bush has demonstrated cutting and sanding Balsa wood and also covering the finished airframe.. Alex continued these subjects in more detail at our Tuesday afternoon meetings, too.

After my plea for suggestion as to talks and/or demonstrations at club meetings, as usual I did not receive anything.  I have now made arrangements for various talks, films and practical demonstrations at monthly meetings up to February 2017.

Please make the effort to attend as many meetings as possible so any guest speakers have a full room.

The Golden Jubilee year has got off to a good start.

I held a skittles evening at The Walkford skittle alley for 20 people and will hold another one during November this year. It was popular.

Martyn Pressnell advised us about his latest book which was published recently at £20. He advised me of the new publisher/distributor and we managed to purchase 10 books which reduced the price to £13 each, post free.

I have one book still available at £13. If you are interested let me know by email antellterry@gmail.com

I also arranged a corporate evening at Millstream Slot Car Racing Club, Ringwood Wednesday 24th February;.This was a private evening. All 18 people arrived on time. Martin Burr assisted Dave, the club organiser throughout the evening. 7pm till 10.10pm. It was fast & furious racing. 9 teams, two in each team racing on an 8 lane track. All enjoyed the experience and went home very tired. (I think the supplied cars were tired out the end of the evening.)


Wishing you all happy landings and better weather.


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