
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
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A TALE OF FOX AND BULLOCKS: words by Alex Bush, music by Sir Arthur Sullivan

On Tues I decided to go check out mower at SF then onto Hurst to fly the Fox. This is how it went. First off it took about 15 mlns to untie all the ropes on fence gate, by that time I was being licked to death by the bullocks, too friendly by far so tied it all up again. Went to other gate by the barn, same rigmarole, release the ropes gates fall down. Eventually pushing through the bullocks I reached the final gate, this one was easy it's what's on the other side that ain't, 6 to 9” of you know what. Finally reached barn door to find a key in the lock, fine security that, I reckon Mike thinks all the obstacles in place are enough. Anyway the mower wouldn't start so could not fit newly sharpened blades. I give its body a polish and decided no way was I going to attempt carrying the battery through all that crap, 3 weeks’ time maybe.  Eventually got to Hurst and had 3 really good flights with the Fox, then on 4th go started to practice my rolls, all went well until during second roll I think I applied up instead of down, we all know what that leads to. There is a pond (6 ft deep) trees all around, Foxy found them both.

Suffice to say, I did not quite have to swim but the tree nearly  beat me. Fox in bits but repairable I think.

 Alex Bush (seen below on a less crappy day)


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