Spire Models, Salisbury
Arguably a bit off topic for this group but I went along to the above shop today for the first time for many years. It is a very unlikely establishment, tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac on a housing estate in Laverstock (Napier Crescent, to be precise). Yet it’s still there (albeit only open Thursday - Saturday), whereas practically all our other local shops have succumbed to the competition from the internet. This is all the more remarkable to me, since the shop has no internet presence, clearly has no catch trade and doesn’t advertise in the magazines.
So, the only way you are going to learn of it is by word of mouth - or word (and picture) of e-mail. Hence this message.
Just to give you a flavour of what’s on offer, here’s a few pictures.
Happy drooling!!
P.S. I’m not on commission, but if you mention that you heard about the shop via C&DMFC, it would be helpful. Neil kindly displays an advertising poster for us in his shop so it would be nice for him to know that we were trying to help put some business his way.