

BMFA affiliation no. 2581


Harry Spotter’s page is for spotters all over the world to identify fuzzy, poor quality photographs of real aircraft - just like the “Recognition Journal” that the RAF used to (and still does, for all I know) produce for their aircrew. Rules are these: just email the identity of the aircraft in the photographs to the editor.  As each correct identification is received it will be published, and the photo replaced a couple of days later.

Club members are welcome to send in your own recognition photos (jpg please) for publication. Please give the Editor a clue as to the true identity of the aircraft!.

A regular over-flyer on its way to Hurn from some sort of maritime sortie

This is a dear old favourite shape, but I think from its colour scheme and absence of distinctive markings that it’s one of the RAF’s surveillance planes, used to monitor phone traffic around terrorist incidents. Or it could be carrying flowers in from Guernsey? It’s a xxxx of course!

A slightly clearer “spot” of an RAF xxxxx - what do you think?

And my favourite local type, with a very distinctive shape and engine noise (it has a couple of diesels). It’s a xxxx??

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