Christchurch & District Model Flying Club
Rose Bowl Thermal Comp
Once again the Christchurch & Dist Model Flying Club is holding our Rose Bowl Thermal Glider comp at Chalbury Farm, near Horton, Dorset.
Launch systems may be Winch, Bungee or Elec assist Glider.
Timing starts when the model leaves the line or when the elec motor is turned off.
Please use a height limiter or if no limiter a 30 sec power climb out.
Fly for 10 mins and land on a spot with a bonus of 50 point within 2 metres of the spot or 25 points if within 2.01 to 5 metres.
Three one hour slots. Launch anytime within an hour but have a helper who will time the flight. One flight her hour. A second attempt may be made within the hour. If this is the case the second flight will be the score counted and first flight score deleted.
Should a flight be taken late within the appointed hour and still be flying when the one hour ends ALL watches MUST stop. No landing bonus will be scored.
ALL flights MUST terminate in the launch field to count. Should a motor be restarted for any reason then the score is void. I.E ZERO. Any model landing outside the field used on the day will have a zero score.
Any flight less than two minutes from the start of the watch will not be counted and the contestant may fly again.
The winner will have their name and club entered on the Rose Bowl, plus the winner will have the choice of a bottle of red or white wine. The runner up will receive the other bottle.
This should be a comp that many of our non “A” cert holders could enter.
Plenty of space with fields all around. I.E. A very safe site.
There isn’t a charge to you, the member, to take part.
Be there by 10am to enable a start. Bring a snack & drink. Aim to end by 2.30pm or before.
I wish to thank the committee of the WSA for FREE use of their club site.
Terry Antell Comp CD & Chairman of C&DMFC, also club member of Wessex Soaring Association