Christchurch and District Model Flying ClubSloping Off - our newsletter
June 2014
Web Site Edition
Chairman’s Chatter
Fly-In Programme
Diary of a Flier by Leonard B Wise
Hat Cam by Tim Calvert
“Seduced” by Brian Wiseman
Dear Albatros Float by A**n B
Rose Bowl Comp by the Chairman
HobbyKing Phoenix 2000 by Tim Calvert
Club Build Challenge by Tim Calvert
Golden Hind Flies! by Mike Roach
TH in 1999
closing dates for articles, photos, jokes, rants etc, for sloping off
March by 28 FebruaryJune by 31 May,September by 31 August,December by 30 November
To join us, and fly at our private sites at Strawberry Field and Longham Reservoir, just get in touch via the website at
“...a perfect day, just a perfect day...”
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[Home] [Chairman's Chatter] [Editorial] [Fly-In] [Diary of a Flier] [Hat Cam] [Seduced] [Albatros float] [Rose Bowl] [Flight of the Phoenix] [Club Build] [Golden Hind] [TH in 1999] [Tailpiece]