christchurch and district model flying club

A Christmas tale

by Brian Wiseman


‘Twas Christmas day at the airfield
A cold wind moaned from the sky
When seemingly out of nowhere
A Spitfire hurtled by.

“Where did that one come from?”
Said the Marshall with a shout.
“There's no pilot on the flight-line,
And there’s no radios out.”

Then a car drew up to the Marshall
Wife driving, sinner too drunk to stand.
He lolled about in the front seat
With his tranny in his hand.

As the Marshall stormed towards him,
He heard the young man shout.
“You fly it, its too cold out there”,
And he threw the tranny out.

Old Bill could see what would happen,
He's a goalkeeping sort of bloke.
He took a deep breath and dived to his right
Caught the Tranny before it broke.

“Shut the throttle at once” screamed the Marshall.
In a paroxysm of fright,
“If we don't get control very quickly,
The damn thing will go out of sight.”

Bill skillfully nursed back the Spitfire
And landed it into the wind.
The sinner was by now fast asleep,
He didn't even know he ‘ad sinned.

The plane was brought back to his Motor
Dismantled and put in the boot.
Wife said, “Never should have bought it,
I know 'es as daft as a coot.”

The moral of this story
Is plane for you to see.
Don't go flying on Christmas day
Stay with your family

“The deep delirious burning blue” - is this what he means? Ed

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