christchurch and district model flying club

Plane Crazy Dreaming

some christmas fun by terry sullivan


I was a Roman Warrior, facing a Mountain Lion with only a curved flat bladed sword for protection. Warily we faced each other and as he made a sudden leap at me …..I was driving through the famous alley in America at night watching those striped flying clothes eaters hitting the windscreen when the female fox ran across the road, frightened by the flashes from an approaching storm, it appeared that the Old God was angry. He was actually throwing rocks which were burning up in the atmosphere and all because this large icy lump with a long tail moving through space had upset him.

Then I was riding this ship of the desert with a trained hunting bird on one hand and a throwing spear in the other, chasing a wild horse and heading for a water hole that wasn’t there.

Suddenly I woke with a start and realised I had dozed off while reading a book on aircraft and that some of them had littered my dream.


Can you locate the 15 planes I dreamed of?

[Contents] [Chairman's Chatter] [Editorial] [Slicker 50] [Diary of a Flier] [LMA Cosford] [LiPoly Batteries] [Christmas Tale] [Plane Crazy] [Answers] [Sloping]