
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Chairman’s Musings

Now, rumour has it that March is on average the windiest month of the year followed by October! I have news for the pundits. This summer has been like March should be. As I write this we have just experienced the strongest winds in August I can ever remember!

Eventually I took my BMFA club Examiners test. Beaulieu was chosen (by me) to fly my 1/5th scale Cessna using a 5 cell lipo battery and a Mega 20/45/3E electric motor. The 13 x 10 prop means the motor is using a little over 800 watts of power and drawing a little under 70 amps from the 3300 lipo battery at 21 volts.

It was a 13 to 16mph wind blowing from the East. For those who know Beaulieu Heath will appreciate that this isn’t an ideal direction. Steve Warren, the BMFA Southern Area power ACE (Area Chief Examiner), duly arrived and I decided to give it a go. Boy oh boy, was I happy when the final landing was called! Next came half an hour of questions on all types of flying activities. I was asked about setting up a public flying display, something I’ve actually done and been involved with a few years ago at Ascot Race Course (which helped tremendously).

I was relieved when it was all over AND I passed. So, C&DMFC have a BMFA Club Examiner qualified in Fixed Wing Power (elec or I.C.)  I can examine any member in any discipline at “A” level and be the Lead examiner for Fixed Wing Power “B” level. For a member to take a “B” test two examiners are required, one must hold an Examiners Cert in the particular discipline.

My request to take a test in Silent Flight was turned down as Steve Warren isn’t an ACE in SF. This is my next challenge.

To become an Examiner a member has to hold a BMFA “B” cert for a minimum of 6 months before being able to take an Examiner Test. I also hold a Gold Cert in Silent Flight which is the next level above “B”.

Martin Burr has said he’d like to achieve a “B” in Silent Flight which will then allow him to go on to become a Club Examiner, too. The club really needs a minimum of two Examiners.

If any of you reading this already hold a “B” in any discipline and would be interested in proceeding further then please contact me.

By the time you read this the Hordle Fete static club display will have passed as will the Thermal/Electric day at Keyhaven. Indoor flying will run right through the winter at Bournemouth Uni once again, commencing September.

I mentioned last time we (the committee) were hoping to have a Club Safety person on the committee. A BIG thanks to Cliff Newell for stepping in. Cliff and myself are also taking on the job of Construction & Finish committee judges. Cliff replacing the late David Enticott.

The C&DMFC Rose Bowl thermal glider competition was held at Chalbury Farm (with thanks to Wessex Soaring Association). Hot sunny weather was the norm with light winds. Geoff Collins won, representing the Phoenix MFC. I was second and Martin Burr third, both representing C&DMFC.

A further four committee meetings have been held since I last wrote. Of course, safety is always on the agenda as is enjoying all aspects of flying.

I have been exploring the 2.4Ghz frequency (airborne models) and how it actually works. So far I’ve looked at the Spectrum & JR systems. Both are the same!! You can use Spectrum 2.4 receivers with JR 2.4 transmitters, but NOT Futaba.

David Lloyd has been more helpful than he realises with his common sense approach to positioning cabling and the Rx (s).

I’m currently altering cable and Rx positions, plus ESCs, batteries etc. I’ve not had any flying problems but am using a Spectrum analyser to review each flight. The information is extremely interesting and helps with repositioning equipment for the ultimate range and safer flying. Worth £18 if you use Spectrum 7 or 9 channel 2.4 gig receivers.

 Happy safe flying, Terry Antell

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