
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
Sloping Off - our newsletter


Hope you are “enjoying” lockdown ...I don’t seem to be getting any CDMFC e mails ...presumably there is still activity?

Here’s the construction of the tail of a Monocoupe 90A...big ..May end up as a floatplane as the nose is very short!( batteries in front of floats)-

Very best wishes David Bintcliffe


I bought the 3/4 bare bones from an auction at Toogood and May, north of Salisbury some 3 years ago  ,along with a beautiful ( needs restoring) ,vintage 6 ft model yacht.

The Monocoupe bits cost 70. It’s taken till lockdown for me to start work on it, there was no plan...indeed the lot was titled “Cessna”...I searched high and low on the. Web....Phil Kent did one at a different scale (40 and a  long wait produced a very poor enlarged plan...not really similar at  all)..I think Icon and West did a kit many years ago ,but I could not  trace it ...finally I was in touch with a USA plan company,,,Model  Airplane News....anyway months of non answered e mails, phone calls, hand written letters and involving Dave Platt.and finally a trip to USA when I tried to contact them again, eventually produced a similar but not  identical aeroplane plan...25 plus a heck of a lot of trouble,which is what I’m working from now!

Anyway I’m enjoying it at the moment ....nice big thick bits of balsawood !

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