


Superb picture of Martin’s Bluebird at Barton seafront by Mrs Burr


100” BlueBird Elec V tail Rudder/Elevator Model only to be used.

Only the supplied motor and spinner/prop to be used.
Only a 7 cell sub C, or 4/5th Sub C (1.2 volt per cell) battery pack to be used.
Only Nicad or NiMH cells allowed – No LIPO’s.
Max capacity 1800mah pack. A pack must have the capacity displayed.
No thermal indicating devices allowed.
Adhere to Peg Board system. Don’t switch on in the car park.


1 A minimum of 2 fliers, with a maximum of 5, to fly for a 10 minute slot.

2 All fliers launch at the Contest Directors (CD) signal.

3 Each flier to have a helper who shall operate a stop watch and be a spotter.

4 The CD shall time the slot and, if required call a 15 second count down in seconds at the end of the 10 minute slot (only if any model is still airborne).

5 On the CD’s instruction all launch.

6 One minute climb out under power.

7 On the CDs instruction all power to the motor must be switched off, regardless of actual individual launch time.

8 The stop watches are to be started upon launch and stop upon landing.

9 Total time, scored in minutes and seconds.

10 Any over flying of the slot will score against the actual flight time (in seconds).

11 Fly for a max of 10 minutes. This to include the power climb out.

12 Any further use of power will result in a zero score for that flight.

13 Landings must be in the same field as the launch.

14 Two flights per evening with the scores added together. These carry forward. All flights count. The timers for the first fliers then have their turn, as above.

15 The winner in the first group (after 2 flights) shall have a fly off against the winner from the second group to establish the overall winner of the evening only. This will be one 10 minute flight, as above. The fly off time shall not be added to the flight scores.

16 There is to be no recharging between flights or for the fly off. No changing batteries either!

17 The competition shall be run fortnightly on an agreed evening (not Fridays).

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