
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

sketching away the surprises

by Mike Roach

I love this part of my modelling hobby—the sketching out of the airframe and its components so that as many of the constructional problems as possible are solved before I start cutting balsa or depron. With a conventional kit or plan these little guessing games have more or less been done for you, and with an ARTF you rather hope they have all been resolved well before production began. But if you design your own models, as I like to do, at least some of the work has to be original thought.

This is an “Empire” boat, the Short C Class that was the mainstay of the Imperial Airways flying boat fleet in the 30s and gave long and valuable service during WWII. And it’s the next big project, starting after the summer, aiming to finish in April 2012 in time for test flights and maybe taking it to Chilliwack in a big box.

There’s lots to do of course. But starting here is so enjoyable...sometimes it’s an end in itself...

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