Our April club meeting attracted 28 members and guests. Stuart Fell, our resident jester, known as Taro-the-jester put on a superb performance with many illusions and magic tricks. Stuart is a member of the Magic Circle (this doesn’t help find lost models though!!).
Kath Watson, BMFA Fellow and Vice-President attended along with her husband, Terry. They said it was one of the best ever club meetings they had attended, that’s over a 40 year period!
I received 12 calls following the article I sent to BMFA News. We couldn’t help all enquiries with membership but pointed those few in other club’s directions.
When you read this our Tuesday night electric model evenings, along with our Friday night thermal glider evenings will be in full swing. Just come along 6pm, not forgetting to bring a frequency peg with you, having written the frequency number on the peg along with your name. If you have 2 or more freq numbers please bring individual pegs, not one peg with 2 different numbers on it! For those using the 2.4 GHz band please bring a peg with at least the top painted black, plus your name on it and place it on the top of the frequency board.
Safety is paramount.
Andrew Tubb has stood down as Membership Secretary prior to relocating with his work. Mike McLauchlan has admirably stepped in to replace him. Thanks Mike.
By the time you read this we may already have a new Safety Officer. The late David Enticott held this position on your committee. If you can help with ANYTHING please come forward.
The TVSA Large Model flying day at Blackbush Airport was a resounding success for them. The terrible weather forecast for the day didn’t materialise. The flying was superb, the sales tents had lots of interest, even the ice cream vendors had waiting queues!!
Our club day out was splendid. See report elsewhere in ‘Sloping Off’.
Another day sloping will be arranged for September after the schools return. To know more attend the September Club Meeting at The Walkford.
Happy safe flying,
Terry Antell