
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
sloping off

David Enticott

15th May 2008

I only knew David for 5 years, so this is put together from conversations I had with him over the years.

He was a sailor and lifelong aeromodeller. Educated at public school for his early years. National Service was in the RAF followed by the Army, serving much of his time in Jamaica.

For a few years during the 1980s he was an estate agent, something he always apologised for!

Many remember the BBC “Onedin Line” series. David was the actual skipper of a few ships in the series.

Many yachts were piloted across the channel to various locations for private owners, too.

During the early to middle 1960s David was a member of the Lymington Life Boat crew, and became the coxswain.  This must surely have been a proud moment for his family.

His father was Treasurer of Lymington Council for so many years. If travelling into the river Beaulieu from the Solent you’ll pass the first marker on your right. It reads “Enticott Post”; this is in remembrance of his father by Lymington Council.

A few pupils at Walhampton School, Lymington, were introduced to the hobby as David held building/flying lessons in his spare time.

Our club committee will miss his sharp short rebuffs if we (I) spoke too long. As club Safety Officer he was ALWAYS to be relied upon.

He was, by nature, a generous man who gave so much to so many.

As far as I’m aware he may have a daughter still living. All other family beat him to the finish line.

He’ll be missed by so many people in every walk of life.

David Enticott, aged 70 years, R.I.P.

His cremation will be on Monday 23rd June, 10.15am at Bournemouth Crematorium. No religious service, just a cremation.

I have been asked if I would say a few words on behalf of our club.

We are holding a special Auction at our next Club Meeting, 2nd July at The Walkford of just David's models and equipment.

Terry Antell

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