I was looking for some new flight packs for my latest models when I came across the Hobby King sale on their website and immediately sent off for two 3S 3800 batteries at a very reasonable $35 each. Coming back from holiday and collecting the package from the GPO was a bit of a shock—they were Li-Fe packs! (see next page)
In my haste to grab a good deal, I had not read the small print. Now I had £40 worth of batteries that I couldn’t charge, and a Li-Fe version of my Proplus charger costs £70 or so. What a b*****r. Add to that they are slightly lower voltage than LiPoly cells and are heavier, but rumour says they are less likely to explode or catch fire. My last LiPoly purchase (a 3S 4500 Loong Max pack) has been puffy since I first used it and I now keep it on a metal tray in the shed) so I’m starting to feel a little better, but not much.
My default position when I want advice is to contact Trevor Hewson. His charger has had a recent software update and can handle my cells, he says, come round and we can fit connectors and give them a charge.
All done. The moral of this story—if some product has 35% off, there’s a very good reason!
Now I have to admit to another triumph of brain over intellect. Brian Wiseman sent me the last of the Leonard B Wise stories. I scanned it into my PC then put the originals in the bin. On coming to paste the story into the magazine the next day, I found that only the first page had scanned correctly. I looked out of the window to see the bin lorry disappearing down the street, complete with Brian’s text.
I’m sorry Brian, can I have another copy please?