
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

A123 battery packs, also known as Li-Fe

Short for the LiFePO4 chemistry used in the cells. An A123* compatible charger is required for these battery packs….. LiFePO4 cells are more resilient to over-discharge than lithium polymer batteries, however the overall energy density is less than that of Li-Poly based cells and therefore these packs are heavier for the equivalent capacity and cell count.
The nominal voltage of a single cell is 3.3 volts, therefore a 3s pack is said to have a nominal voltage of 9.9v. Compare this with a 3s Li-Po, which has a nominal voltage of 11.1v. The recommended maximum A123 charge voltage per cell is 3.6v, giving a fully charged 3s A123 battery pack a voltage of 10.8 volts. The 2s/6.6V batteries make ideal receiver battery packs, with fantastic capacity retention.

The cells in these packs have the following voltage characteristics: Nominal: 3.3V, Max.: 3.6V, Min.: 2.0V

*”A123’s products are built using their breakthrough Nanophosphate® chemistry, which delivers high power and energy density, extended life cycling, and excellent safety performance.” (The A123 website)


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