

BMFA affiliation no. 2581

AGM 2012

Christchurch & District Model Flying Club

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

at The Walkford Hotel on the 5th December 2012

Present :- T Antell Chairman, M McLauchlan Secretary, M Burr Treasurer &

32 members.

Apologies received :- Brian Adkins, Nick King & Stuart Fell.

1. The published Minutes of the 2011 AGM, with no matters arising, were proposed by M Bird & Seconded by M Roach & voted unanimously by members as a true record.

Committee Reports.

2. Secretary (M Mc) reported that 10 Committee meetings had been held during the year. All minutes recorded & up to date.

2a Treasurer (M B) presented the Audited Accounts reporting the Club finances in good order.   Over the year, Income £4511.00, Expenditure £4227.71.  Bank balance £3286.01. Brian Brockway pointed out that the two thirds of the membership monies received went to the BMFA as the Club acted as Agents for collection of fees. Major figures briefly:-  Expenses, Indoor Flying £224, Mower & Training £750, Longham Flying fees £180. Income, Donation of £215 to Club funds from the sale of Eric Biggs planes & a small profit from the sale of Club clothing. Treasurer’s report accepted unanimously by members.

2b. Membership Secretary (B B) reported at the end of year we have 94 members which is the highest number recorded. The increase is credited to the addition of new members flying at Longham Reservoir, their joining fees have contributed towards the Flying costs.

2c. Activities Secretary (T A) organised the inter-Club Rose Bowl Competition held at the WSA Soaring site.  Thanks to Mike Roach for arranging the “Fly In” during September to include overseas guests at Strawberry Field & Longham Reservoir. Mike Roach advised the meeting that SEMCORP are happy with our flying at Longham, cooperation & association between us is working well. Flying permits will be issued at a later date. There were well attended “Slope Days” to Win Green, Ringstead, also Picnic & the SE sites.

2d. Competition Secretary (B B) Friday evening Competitions continued through the year with good support. Competition & fun flyers were welcome.

2e. Web Master/ Newsletter Editor (M R) The “Sloping Off” software is now getting out of date & suspect. Copies costing about £12.00 per quarter.   The information on site will need updating to reflect the changes in the Club. Mike requested opinions & suggestions for the Web Site, in particular the latest addition “Who’s Who.” More photographs & contributions would be appreciated. The meeting thanked & congratulated Mike for his work & success of the site.

2f. Chairman’s Review. (T A) Displayed, but, not published, a list of members who have passed & not passed their ‘A’ certificates. A detailed list of Club Assets has been prepared amounting to a value £1228, which will be depreciated over a 3 year period. The Chairman thanked Committee & Members for their help & assistance during the year in making the Club so successful.

Mike Ackerman proposed & Trevor Hewson seconded, “The above reports be approved & accepted.” This was unanimously agreed by members.

The Meeting had an Interval for hot Mince Pies & a Raffle.

3.Membership Fees for 2013 proposed by the committee:-

       Club Membership Fee £15 (adult) and £5 for 16 years of age or younger OR full time  Education until 21 years of age.  Joining Fee (new members) to remain at £15 and free to Juniors, etc. BMFA Fees for 2013 are £32 Seniors . £17 Juniors Club Fees, incl. BMFA = £47 payable to C&DMFC.  Unanimously voted in favour.

4. Constitution Amendments & Motions.

4a. BMFA suggest the Club Constitution is revised & amended. This has been discussed at length in Committee. Andrew Ford-Hutchinson has been approached to prepare & publish a new Constitution in line with their advice.

The proposed amendment by the Committee to the Constitution below was discussed at the meeting.

The Management of the club shall be vested in a committee composing Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, plus a minimum of three club members.

Each member of the Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting every year.

The Committee shall meet at least four times a year. Four members shall make a quorum, the Chairman having a casting vote in the event of a tie. The Vice Chairman to have the same powers as the Chairman in the Chairman’s absence.

Further club members may be appointed to the Committee to run any sections that may be formed. Voted and co-opted members shall be entitled to vote at a Committee meeting.”

Reason:  To ensure the Club Committee can continue to serve occasions, when assistance may be required, without further redress to members between AGMs.

Amendment AGM 5th December 2012.

Trevor Hewson proposed an amendment to the above :- “Para 4, A co-opted member shall NOT be entitled to a vote.” This was voted on & agreed unanimously by the meeting. The change to be implemented and added to the revised Constitution in due course.

4b. Management

Motion 1: “All Capital expenditure to be agreed by a committee majority.”

Reason: To ensure Club monies are protected from fraud.

Motion 2: ”Disposal of Any Capital item to be agreed by a committee majority.”

Reason: To ensure club assets are protected from fraudulent disposal.

Voted on & agreed unanimously unchanged.

We are advised by the BMFA the revised Constitution may be legally circulated to the membership via Email or posted on the Club Web site to save postage. Hard copies will be made available for new & non internet members.

5. Election of Officers.

The Chairman, Treasurer & 3 existing Committee members - Brian Brockway, John Stafford & Ian Wettstein - are willing to continue.

Proposed by Mike Roach, Seconded Tony Harris. 

Secretary, Malcolm Bird. Proposed by Andrew Ford-Hutchinson, Seconded Mike Ackerman.

Vice Chairman, Mike McLauchlan. Proposed by Ian Harrison, Seconded Clive Spencer.

Committee member, Andrew Ford-Hutchinson.  Proposed by Malcolm Bird, Seconded Tony Harris.

All above voted unanimously in favour

Keith Young has stood down from Committee due to present ill health. The Chairman expressed his thanks for his help & training instructor experience over the years.

6. Auditors. Clive Spencer is willing to continue & Roger Dornom volunteered.

7. No Motions received.

8. Date of next AGM Wednesday 4th December 2013.

9. The Chairman thanked members for attending. The meeting closed at 22.13.

Malcolm Bird. Sec.

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