

Christchurch and District Model Flying Club
Sloping Off - our newsletter


I am pleased to say that Hermes Major made its first flight at Strawberry Field this morning, Wednesday. Encouragement from a few others present was much appreciated, I must admit to some trepidation. The wind was light from the North so that take-off up the field was possible with the sun behind. There was some occasional turbulence from the trees at low level.

There proved to be an excess of power available and the model left the ground smartly and climbed away rather too steeply. It was now committed and had to fly at least one circuit. After easing the throttle and trimming slightly nose down things became under control. I realised that rudder power was too much and was able to select half rates, whereupon things began to feel under more control. I allowed the model to climb and then throttled back to see the glide and further improve trim.

There was no longer any great concern in flying and I began to relax and enjoy quite a long flight. Landing was a bit troublesome because of turbulence, but in a quieter spell I managed to achieve an acceptable line of approach and she drifted down to a smooth return.

It awaits the September meeting to make its appearance again at the bowling alley.

Thanks to all,



Photos by Ttevor Hewson

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