
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club


The Editor flying his Short Mussel at Chilliwack last year. This beautiful flying field has been lost to a bean cropper, but the Club has moved lock stock and barrel a few hundred yards down the road. I can feel my purse-strings loosening for another trip out there.

Despite the temporary loss of our Strawberry Field site and the awful run of weather early in the year, there seems to have been far more flying than usual. My own flying log lists over 170 5-minute flights since 1 Jan. At roughly 100 mAh per minute’s flying, I make that 0.855kW of energy used  (please someone, tell me if I’m right or wrong!) in recharging my batteries. That and the flight to Barbados, of course…

Back to model flying. We have seem a number of Beaulieu first timers, me included, and a few members joining the Hurn flying group. We've also had more slope flying this year and Longham has increased membership to 26 solo and 1 supervised. Terry reports we now have 106 members which I think is the most we have had since I joined about 12 years ago. Apart from the fact that most of us are somewhat older than the norm, and that there are no (?) lady members, I think things are looking good for the Club.

As soon as Strawberry Field is back as our flying field, we should have a celebratory fly-in. Watch the emails!

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