
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

“There’s two funny-looking helicopters in the sky...”

...said Wendy as I was carving some foam in my shed. Fortunately the camera was to hand and I got a snap of one of them at 18x zoom.

It was indeed “funny looking” and all spotters will recognise it as a Wallis autogyro (which mark I leave to you to discover) and the two of them were thwacking their way across to the Isle of Wight. You could almost hear the pilots’ teeth chattering as they passed by.

By coincidence, Trevor brought his funny-looking helicopter to the Club evening and he and a few other enthusiasts had an enjoyable time discussing rotors, lead and lag, spin-up and blade balance. I liked Terry’s rather barbed comment “Those blades are nicely balanced Trevor—not perfect though.”  Hmm. Anyway, here it/he/they are in mid-chat. The model was a plan in RCME and this is Trevor’s second go at making a funny-looking helicopter. Malcolm says he threw his away. I can’t blame him.



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