
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Sloping Off June 2013

Web Site Edition

Chairman’s Chatter


Texan replacement by David Wedge

Thereby hangs…a Dynam Spitfire, by Brian Wiseman

B Leonard Wise and the Quadracopter

Club Night model updates.

Beaulieu, by David Wedge

Albatross maiden flight by Clive Spencer

“Two funny-looking helicopters”

Source for foam sheets

Glueing depron and foam

Covering foam

closing dates for articles, photos, jokes, rants etc, for sloping off

March by 28 February
June by 31 May,
September by 31 August,
December by 30 November

To join us, and fly at our private sites at Strawberry Field and Longham Reservoir, just get in touch via the website at www.cdmfc.org

Clive Spencer and the Albatross on its first flight: Longham 5 June 2013

Photo by Trevor Hewson

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[Home] [Chairman's Chatter] [Editorial] [Texan] [Tailwheel] [Fly Diary] [Bring a Model] [Two funny] [Beaulieu] [Albatross] [Pink foam] [Glues for depron] [Covering foam]